Parking & Traffic

We ask parents to please utilize the school transportation system to transport children to and from school to limit extra traffic during bus arrival and departure times. We carefully monitor drop-off and pick-up traffic flow in the parking lot but need the cooperation of everyone to maintain the safety of students and staff.

NO VEHICLES are allowed in the bus loop between due to construction. We greatly appreciate your cooperation in this important safety effort.

We have several staff members on bus duty both in the morning and at afternoon dismissal time. There is also a staff member at the crosswalk between the school and the staff parking lot. This staff member will help your child cross the bus loop safely.

The parking lot closest to the school and the lot at the end of the school near the track are reserved for staff members. A small number of spaces are reserved for drop off and pick up. All others should park in the side lot between the Elementary and Memorial Schools. To maintain safety and emergency vehicle access, parking is prohibited in the fire lanes at all times during the day.

Parking and Traffice Map